Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Trip to Sydney

In January 1973 (Pre U 2), I was awarded the prestigious International Air Cadet Exchange to Australia. It was 3 weeks fully paid tour. Each year, 2 teachers and 2 students were chosen from Singapore. I worked very hard and made many sacrifices for NCC(AIR) and was thrilled and delighted that I have been selected for this exchange after a few rounds of interviews.

My dad was really excited and a bit worried. He bought me luggage and arranged for all my transports. He accompanied me to airport and must have been a very happy father that day.

With my parents at Tengah Airbase.

Flight on Hercules C130

My father hired a private car to send me to Tengah Air Base. I was dressed in special light brown uniform with Singapore insignias. The uniform was really smart. We boarded the C130 Hercules for the 7 hours journey to Darwin. The Hercules made a refuelling stop overnight at Darwin. Next day the flight continued on a 6 hours journey to Sydney. The transport plane landed at Richmond Airbase of RAAF.

We were warmly welcomed by LTA Keith, our facilitator for the entire trip. We were accommodated in the visitors’ section of the RAAF Officer Mess, the set up similar to a posh hotel. For the first time as an 18 year old, I saw and experienced how an English officer lived and dined. In the mess, they were always served like VIPs. During all meals, I was completely drown and confused by the cutlery and table wares. I had seen it on movies and thought it was surreal, and it was life befitting the royals.

Sydney Tour
We visited most of the interesting landmarks in Sydney like the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. We also had a boat cruise around Sydney Darling Harbour. Sydney will always have special place in my heart. We also visited the Tarongo Zoo. We visited some Australia Air Cadets Training school a couple of times. We also had an air ride from Bankstown on a Cessna and had an aerial tour. That day, the weather was really turbulent and I was airsick. After landing, I quietly went to the toilet to puke.

Our facilitator LTA Keith, with the 2 teachers on the left

Taken to a bar
One night, I chatted up with one young officer and he invited me to join him for a drive to city. I followed but end up in famous Sydney King Cross district littered with kinky bars and pubs. He invited me to join him for a drink. The bar was loud with music. I had a coke but felt very uncomfortable and just couldn’t fit myself in. I was still idealistic and could not justify this unintended escapade and was terrified of getting into trouble. After much contemplation, I excused myself and went back by taxi to the base. Looking back, what a silly boy I was, I should have stayed and enjoyed the night.

Canberra Tour
Our tour also took us to Canberra were we toured the majestic Parliament House with its beautifully manicured garden and fountains. Facing this parliament house is the Australian Museum which I visited too. A special treat for us was the helicopter ride to Australia highest mountain, Mt Kosciusko. The chopper landed near the top of this mountain and I had some photo shooting opportunity. Then we also had a spectacular aerial view of the Snowy Mountain.

Canberra and the museum

Parents Pride

This trip was truly meaningful and memorable. Firstly, it was recognition for my service and hard work. Personally it’s a scoreboard of my performance, the ability to win this award amidst the field of very strong contenders. Most important of all it gave my parents tremendous pride seeing their son winning this award. For parents like mine that came from humble background this was certainly an achievement for them. They had an opportunity to proudly announce to friends and relatives. In those days, going overseas was big deal!!!

The trip gave me lots of insights and many firsts. First time going overseas, flew Hercules, helicopter, Qantas B707, living in Officer Mess, wondered into a bar. The new experiences were just overwhelming for 18 years old.

On the return journey, we flew home by commercial aeroplane flown by Qantas. My dad arranged a private car to fetch me from Paya Lebar Airport.

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