Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Friday, December 5, 2008



Commissioning Ceremony

After 18 months of training, I was told I have passed and will be going to Istana to attend the commissioning ceremony. The sad thing was a few of my mates never made it.
We were to wear the ceremonial dress for this event. Parents were also invited. The day arrived and all of us were ferried to the Istana. As usual, in any military events, we were hours ahead of schedule. My Mom and Dad hired a car and I remembered, they were to enter Istana from Sophia Road entrance. From there they were ushered to their seats.

Dr Goh Keng Swee

The Defence Minister was the guest of Honour. One by one, our names were called and we proudly walked up to receive our sword and certificate from Dr Goh. It was a moment of tremendous pride and satisfaction for me. It also meant responsibility as a commissioned officer. Of course there was the speech which I cannot remember followed by 10 course Chinese dinner.

Proud Father and Mother

My father was very happy and proud. He must be profoundly aware that not many parents had the opportunity to be invited to the Istana for dinner as only a small percentage of young men made it to officer grade. My mother was rather stressed and anxious; maybe the event was rather overwhelming for her. For me, it was one way to repay and show gratitude to the struggles and hardship my parent gone through to bring me up.


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