Friday, 3 March 2017

Saturday, May 9, 2009


It has been some time since the famous escape of Mas Selamat Kastari (MSK). I was terribly disturbed how he could have escape from the high security prison of Whitley Detention Centre. The mode of escape was bizarre and unbelievable. That has spun theories of conspiracy that had resonated for months. And overnight he becomes the poster boy throughout Singapore. Of course not to forget the jokes that made the rounds through the internet. I remember a joke of MSK is in Malaysia. This is because when you crossed the Causeway, you will see big billboard “Selamat Datang” meaning MSK is coming. Well it is not a joke now. It’s a fact.

Just as the escape has spun conspiracy theories, his capture too will invoke a lot of questions which we the ordinary souls will never get to know. Within hour of his escape, the entire country was locked down. The entire security apparatus of army, police and all the auxillary forces were activated to track him down. Now they said he swam across the Johore Straits with improvised floats. Questions to ask...............

Who help him after his escape? How could be disappeared so fast from the scene?
Who brought him to the causeway?
Who did he stay with before he swam across the causeway?
Who received him at the other end of the causeway?
Did he really swam across the causeway or was his concoction to prevent his mates getting implicated?

WKS and his officers may be vindicated for the sloppiness and the public can be relieved that this terrorist is captured, but terrorism is far from eradicated. What’s worrying is the network of supporters that MSK can garnered and stay undetected for more than a year. The questions one beg to ask is how big this network of underground supporters and sleepers is. It has to worry the authorities.

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