Friday, 3 March 2017

Wednesday, June 17, 2009



LKY recent visit to Malaysia highlighted the deep rooted mistrust and hatred for LKY and anything Singapore. The greatest anti-Singapore lobby is none other than Dr M and his die hard UMNO and Malay supporters. There is just no way Najib and the present leadership can improve bilateral relation to the next level unless this “anything but Singapore” resentment is tackled. If no Malaysian Malay politician possesses the political courage to take this issue by the horn, then Singapore will continue to be demonised by opportunistic and nationalistic politicians, hampering any chances for mutual cooperation and improved ties. They negative perception is so deeply entrenched in the psyche of an average Malay, propagated over decades by the Utusan Melaya and even NST. To untangle this psyche now has becomes extremely difficult. This bad blood needs more than a portent dosage, it needs to be ‘exorcised’ and better still ‘stoned to death’.


The crux of the anti-Singapore problem is historical. It started with Singapore joining the Malaysia Federation and was kicked out after 2 years and Singapore become independent by accident. Malaysia had adopted an affirmative policy that favours the ethnic Malays and Singapore has adopted meritocracy. Although the Malays are favoured in education and working opportunities, somehow, subconsciously, it works against the psyche of the Malays leadership. Socially and politically, it is a great scheme, but nationally, the interest of the nation is compromised in its ability to compete and advance.

So Mahathir planned grandiose mega-projects to showcase this development but everyone knows that the human software, the people, betrays the hardware displayed. In contrast, Singapore with is limited resources, governs on the principle of meritocracy, has consistently wins worldwide respect and accolades and outshines its northerly neighbour. For that, no matter how much Mahathir do for Malaysia, he knows he is constantly living in the shadow of LKY. He has to ‘tekan’ or get back at Singapore by making thing difficult. This enhanced his image to his countrymen and view him as superior leader to LKY. So as long as Mahathir is alive, he will ensure these anti-Singapore tirades and diatribes continue. That may explain the legendary enmity between these two old guards.

To put salt into the wound, LKY snubbed him by not calling on him but met up with old friends like Badawi when he visited Malaysia last week. To aggravate him further, LKY also met up with, and warmly received by Sultans and opposition leaders that have very scant respect for Mahathir. Surely he must be furiously mad, which in his blog, makes no effort to conceal his disgust and deep hatred by belittling LKY as the “little emperor” of Modern Middle Kingdom.

1. Malaysia race-based politics

UMNO is an ethnic based party and strive on its platform as the defender of and protector of Malays’ rights since its inception. It places racial interest above national interest. Currently, the only justifiable reason for its relevance and existence is in its ability to serve the Malay’s interest. In stark contrast to UMNO, Singapore meritocratic principle is on the opposite pole where no race is favoured and Singapore has excelled and continues to brain drained talents from Malaysia.

2. Meritocracy verses affirmative action
This meritocratic principle has very strong appeal from the non-Malays and Singapore leaders are quietly admired over the causeway. UMNO has always feel threatened by Singapore meritocratic policy. There must be some latent fear that the non-bumiputras will use Singapore as an example to push for reforms. Some UMNO members are honestly supporting this affirmative policy as a means to improve the welfare and development of the Malays. However, it is well known that many UMNO members benefited financially from tenders and projects reserved for the bumiputras. There are therefore quarters that will steadfastly protect their financial interest in the name of welfare. Some well educated, successful urban Malays are finding their affirmative action embarrassing as it denies them proper recognition for their success due to prejudice and negative perception.

3. Marginalisation of Singapore Malays
For this reason, UMNO and anti-Singapore quarters had always pick the ‘Marginalisation' story of Malays in Singapore to reiterate to the Malays in Malaysia why they are better off. Such rhetoric has worked and will continue to be used. Together with the government controlled media under Mahathir regime, Singapore leaders has been demonised as anti-Malays. Over the decades of propaganda, with enough mud was thrown, some are bound to stick. So in the mindsets of most Malays in Malaysia, Singapore is anti-Malays out to take advantage of them and must never be trusted. Singapore bashing and anti-Singapore tirades over the decades have become fashionable and thus, it will be embarrassing for the new PM to embrace Singapore and cooperate with this neighbour. To this end, UMNO politicians have basically ‘snookered’ themselves.

4. Singapore Bashing

There are no shortage of opportunistic politicians to do Singapore ‘bashing’. It is an art perpetuated by Mahathir and is politically cost free. This time, Khairy, UMNO Youth's President is real quick to jump on the bandwagon to exploit this issue of selling sand to Singapore. Traditionally, Youth president is accorded a ministerial post. Khairy is left out of the cabinet and well, he need to be heard and not be forgotten. Soon many more dormant politicians will be beating the same drum.


So in my conclusion, we are way off the mark for any new beginning with Malaysia. Good bilateral and mature relationship is still beyond the horizon. The underlying mistrust and fear of Singapore dominating the Malays has been so deeply ingrained in the mindset of ordinary Malays. The Singapore threat was meant to be a scare as well as a slogan to unite UMNO, but over the years, it has becomes self fulfil prophesy, many now actually believe the threat is real. Under this circumstance, it will take many more decades to eradicate the mistrust. Of course, there will be selective cooperation when the need arises. In the foreseeable future, give and take will be out of the equation.


Well the ball is now in Najib hand. Does he have the clout to silence all the anti-Singapore critics, only time will tell. He may decide to take the safer path like his predecessor to maintain status quo and not to rock this rickety boat. Or he may take the bull by the horn and once and for all, shown all Malaysians his is Boss. That is, if he dares to take on his ex-boss.


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