Monday, August 18, 2008
No Kindergarten
The eerie trail
The primary school was about 15 minutes walk from my attap house. The first 10 minutes walk was through mud trails use by only a couple of households. It took about 5 minutes to reach the first house. The trail was winding, both sides lined with thick undergrowth, scrubs and trees. The trail was wide enough for a car to drive through. Movement of vehicle created a grass divider on this trail. The trail was covered with fallen leaves. When you walked, the footsteps echoed eerie noise as if someone was following you. When wind blew, the noise of breaking tree branches and the ruffling of leaves was really scary. The seclusion of the trail further induced wild imagination of
ghost, robbery and anything that give you goose pimples. In the first few years of primary school, my mother had to accompany and fetch me from school.
Chased by dogs
I had to walk past two houses with large compound and it was common for villager to keep dogs for house security. The dogs would just charged toward you and barked but rarely attacked. Mother would provide that protection and comfort.
It can be very intimidating for those who were not use to be threatened by these dogs. It was all about human- animal co-existence. We walked confidently, maintained composure and do not allow our fear to betray us by running away. The dogs seem to understand our body languages. There were also dogs that were timid. Sometimes I carried some stones and gave that a surprise. That was cheeky and bullying the weak. Those that were hit will always remember to keep a safe distance. Another way to frighten the dog is to walk straight into him to instill fear in them. It’s a calculated risk, but it worked. Soon the dog and us learnt mutual respect and co-exist.
School Days
We received no pocket money. But always on raining day, my mum brought me hot Milo during recess and umbrella at the end of the day when there was rain. I remembered the class was very cramp with many students. The chairs and tables were made of wood. My uniform was white shirt and beige trousers. Some teachers carry cane with them to class. Being caned and standing in the corner were common. But of course, I need not worry about those.
In primary two, my sister joined me in the same school. That year, I exhibited some strange behaviour. At about 300 metres from school, I insisted my mother and sister go ahead. I did not want to be seen to be chaperon to school by parent anymore. If not, then my mother had to let me go 100 metres ahead. If she refused, I will cry. I got my way. At 7, I had decided to be independent and have been this way since.
Academically, I did very well, top in primary 2. I was well behaved, never been reprimanded for misbehaviour. I did no mischief and never bully or get bullied.
There was no early childhood education during my time. I went to Poi Chai Primary School. This was a Chinese medium school built by a Chinese lady to promote education. In the early 60s before independence, majority of schools were Chinese, mostly started by Chinese charities, self help groups and dialect clans. My father was very eager to enroll me in English school. Due to lack of vacancies, the places were normally available to the better connected.
The eerie trail
The primary school was about 15 minutes walk from my attap house. The first 10 minutes walk was through mud trails use by only a couple of households. It took about 5 minutes to reach the first house. The trail was winding, both sides lined with thick undergrowth, scrubs and trees. The trail was wide enough for a car to drive through. Movement of vehicle created a grass divider on this trail. The trail was covered with fallen leaves. When you walked, the footsteps echoed eerie noise as if someone was following you. When wind blew, the noise of breaking tree branches and the ruffling of leaves was really scary. The seclusion of the trail further induced wild imagination of
Chased by dogs
I had to walk past two houses with large compound and it was common for villager to keep dogs for house security. The dogs would just charged toward you and barked but rarely attacked. Mother would provide that protection and comfort.
It can be very intimidating for those who were not use to be threatened by these dogs. It was all about human- animal co-existence. We walked confidently, maintained composure and do not allow our fear to betray us by running away. The dogs seem to understand our body languages. There were also dogs that were timid. Sometimes I carried some stones and gave that a surprise. That was cheeky and bullying the weak. Those that were hit will always remember to keep a safe distance. Another way to frighten the dog is to walk straight into him to instill fear in them. It’s a calculated risk, but it worked. Soon the dog and us learnt mutual respect and co-exist.
School Days
We received no pocket money. But always on raining day, my mum brought me hot Milo during recess and umbrella at the end of the day when there was rain. I remembered the class was very cramp with many students. The chairs and tables were made of wood. My uniform was white shirt and beige trousers. Some teachers carry cane with them to class. Being caned and standing in the corner were common. But of course, I need not worry about those.
In primary two, my sister joined me in the same school. That year, I exhibited some strange behaviour. At about 300 metres from school, I insisted my mother and sister go ahead. I did not want to be seen to be chaperon to school by parent anymore. If not, then my mother had to let me go 100 metres ahead. If she refused, I will cry. I got my way. At 7, I had decided to be independent and have been this way since.
Academically, I did very well, top in primary 2. I was well behaved, never been reprimanded for misbehaviour. I did no mischief and never bully or get bullied.
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