Friday, 23 December 2016

Saturday, August 30, 2008


From Kampong to City. To a new world

In January 1968, dressed in all white shirt, trousers, socks and shoes and accompanied by my father, we arrived at Raffles Institution. And of course we were very early, that’s my family trademark, ‘always early’.

Raffles Institution 'Founded 1923'
The school consisted of 3 blocks of 2 storeys colonial style building. The white paint was peeling and worn and some walls had cracked. On the main building, the words “Founded 1923” was distinctly crafted out below the school name “Raffles Institution”. There were two tuck shops that were rather run down. The toilets were huge. Somehow I felt rather disappointed as all these did not impressed me at all. I had expected something grander to match the school reputation. But in term of space, the school field was large, enough to fit in two football matches. In fact, the entire school compound was massive.

Though I was very excited and anxious, I had lots of apprehension and uneasiness. I knew life would never be the same again as in primary school. The words 'worry' and 'fear' weren’t even in my dictionary then. My father had made this choice for me and I would be starting a new chapter of my life into uncharted territory.
Eternally grateful to my father

I am deeply grateful for my father’s wisdom and foresight. He had opened the door to this new world for me. The school, the envy of so many and I am truly privileged to be the few that was accepted. RI has a very long glorious history of academic excellence with deeply entrenched traditions of honour and integrity and has produced many of Singapore’s brightest leaders. Undoubtedly it is the students' ideal place for learning, character building and preparation for the future.
'Values' added to my dictionary
The values of responsibility, and integrity and pursuit of excellence were not taught by teachers in class, but was influenced by the school environment, activities, events, sports and ambiance. Together we shared the joy of winning as well as sadness at time we lost. We laboured hard preparing for any competitions or the Founder’s Day. My journey through RI was an unforgettable lesson of compassion and humility. For those who have sailed through this passage would understand and agree with me that those 6 years of fulfilling and memorable experience in RI would not be traded for anything else.
Quotation from the 150th Rafflesian

"Those who have passed through Raffles Institution are conscious of a body of tradition, of a spiritual force which is inescapable, and on which they can fall back in times of stress."


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