Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Today we booked a trip to LP on a mini bus. The bus was supposed to depart at 11 a.m. but was almost an hour late. It was packed to the brim with 14 paxs and luggage were left on the aisle.  The schedule trip time is 4 hours.

The route from Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang is along the major Route 13. It’s a narrow road with single lane in both direction. Houses dotted along the route on both sides of the road. The landscape was mainly padi field with small tropical fruits orchards and small wooden huts. Bicycles are widely used by school children and adults use motor cycles on this road. The road reminds me of the Sembawang Road in the 60’s and 70’s.

Between Van Vieng and LP is a mountain range. The road snakes through the hills and valleys at time very steep. Clouds have enveloped some part of the mountain but our driver was very cautious. The traffic was generally light.  At one point near the top of the mountain, the road was closed for more than an hour to facilitate road repairs.

By the time we reached LP, it already dark at 7 p.m. We took a tuk tuk to our hotel, Villa Champa. Here, we will stay for 4 nights.

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