Saturday, 8 May 2021


3 July 2014

Prambanan Temple and Cultural Ballet

This is an 8th century Hindu Temple dedicated to Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. It is the second largest Hindu temple in SE Asia. Originally the temple compounds consist of 240 temple structures. It represents the grandeur of ancient Java’s Hindu architecture.


There are just too many temples that it was hard to differentiate and remember. But it is awesome. The builders over thousand years ago showed tremendous craftsmanship and ingenuity. The builder demonstrated great engineering prowess at time when there were no automation. My impression is the Javanese were as great a builder as the Europeans or the Chinese.

The architecture is just inspiring and the craftmanship highly skilled

Many of the temples are lying in ruins.

The scale of this  temple complex is massive. 

Cultural Show, Ramayana Ballet


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