Sunday, 27 June 2021


Myanmar Feb 2016

Lake Inle Boat Tour Part 1

24 Feb 1016

This was a full day tour of  Inle Lake. We visited  historical sites, local markets, floating gardens, villages on stilts, monasteries and to appreciate the lake ecosystem and how the people make their livelihood on the lake. The guide and boatman met us at the hotel and walked us to the jetty. It was just 2 of us.

(this photo is iconic of an  Intha fisherman of Lake Inle)

The boatman readied the boat for us at the jetty.

The boat cruised down the Nyaung Shwe Canal to enter the Lake.Inle

Entering the lake early in the morning, we saw the Intha fisherman.

Local fishermen are known for practicing a distinctive rowing style which involves standing at the stern on one leg and wrapping the other leg around the oar. This unique style evolved out of necessity as the lake is covered by reeds and floating plants, making it difficult to see above them while sitting. Standing provides the rower with a view beyond the reeds. However, the leg rowing style is only practiced by the men. Women row in the customary style, using the oar with their hands, sitting cross legged at the stern. (Wikipedia)

Villages along the shores and houses on stilts

Next we visited one of the “5 Day Market” after one hour boat ride. It was really bustling with boats creating a “jam” around the pier. This was Nam Pan Market about 2/3 way south of the lake. In this market, there were amazing varieties of food, almost anything edible were sold here.

Vegetables, meat and fishes from the lake

The distinctive local  minority ethnic people in their traditional dresses congregated here to sell their wares and made purchases

Beside food, house accessories were plentiful in display.

A lots of handicrafts for tourists too.

There were also local cooked food stalls.

After Nan Pan Market, we proceeded to visit a handicraft shop that uses lotus leave to weaved to make cloth and bags. This was a tourist stop.

The boat turned around and headed westward through a canal for Shwe Inn Dein Pagoda. Along the way, saw more villages and the local people and passed by some floating gardens. The canals stretch miles inland and are a major transportation mode around the lake.

Passing Alodaw Pauk  Pagodas

Shwe Indein Pagoda is a group of ancient Buddhist pagodas in the village of Indein, west of Lake Inle. The pagodas came in various shapes and sizes and in various state of preservation. Our boatman skillfully navigated this 8 km long narrow canal to reach Indein. The Pa-Oh people live in the surrounding hills.

                                             Shwe Indein Pagoda

Village behind the pagodas

We had lunch around this area and our next itinerary was a visit to a wine distillery nearby

The tour guide brought us to a nearby hill top with a panoramic view of a village. The view of green farm, farm animal, canals with moving boats and a cluster of pagodas.

 The tour continued to Ngaung Ohak pagodas. See next blog.

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